• On November 26th, 2022, I made the following recordings: Bashnya (Башня) and Gazon (Газону) were conducting tests on what appears to be the day frequency. However, the night-frequency has yet to be determined. It is possible that the F42 frequency may be used for this purpose. The tests were active on 3305 kHz and 5097 […]

  • On October 13th, 2022 at approximately 16:00 UTC, I observed a silent carrier on 4230 kHz USB. It became apparent that this was due to an open microphone, which was most likely caused by the female Russian operator’s lack of awareness. The microphone remained open for roughly two hours, during which time the operator was […]

  • Frequency Spectrum Heatmap and Timeline Heatmap See https://ukraine.quassi.nl for the live data. Radio communications across the Russian forces are realy poor, which leads to makeshift solutions! Webreceivers to use: List with WebSDRs: List with Spyservers

  • Predicting the number of COVID-19 cases of the coming 7 days with Multiple Linear Regression. Using: Python PyCharm IDE

  • MARCH 2020 \plugins\system\cssconfig\cssconfig.phpCSSConfig System plug-in @package CSSConfig System plug-in

  • To start with an attack, one first has to gain some knowledge! My initial starting point was a long time ago, when m3u-stream references first began appearing on various websites. NOTE: I am not certain if it would be wise to share the details of this adventure, as there are concerns about the potential consequences. […]